

5 Conclusions From John Riccitiello VRLA 2017 Keynote on VR

John Riccitiello is the CEO of Unity Technologies, one of the world’s leading game engines (valued at $1.5 billion). Prior to heading up Unity, he acted as CEO of gaming pioneer, Electronic Arts. It is safe to say that, when John Riccitiello speaks about the future of AR and VR, people listen.

Why Top Developers Are Targeting the Samsung Gear VR

In the race for mobile VR market share, the Samsung Gear VR has situated itself comfortably ahead of the pack. With 2016 sales exceeding both Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, the demand for Samsung Gear VR app development provides a rare opportunity for developers.

Virtual Reality M&A Trend Creates Low-Hanging Fruit

Digi-Capital just published their VR/AR M&A report. Fascinating stuff, really.

Cutting the Cord: Virtual Reality Goes Wireless

Virtual reality has enjoyed both technological advances and widespread adoption in recent years. Nevertheless, the birth of VR as a commercial success will be marked by the cutting of its umbilical cord. Thanks to the innovation of a handful of technology companies, the tether that is the bane of high-end VR headsets is about to be cut asunder.

7 VR Gaming Trends Shaping 2017 And Beyond

The virtual reality gaming market is slated to top $45.09 billion by 2025. The lucrative VR gaming market will provide unfathomed opportunities for the developer willing to support the revolution, rather than reading about it in the news.

5 Reasons VR Gaming is Now a Serious Business

A survey of more than 4,500 developers attending the recent Game Developers Conference confirmed what we have been telling you for months: virtual reality game development is getting ready to become big business. 39% of game developers surveyed indicated that they are developing for AR/VR devices and platforms, or plan to for their next game.

Augmented Reality Takes the Pilot Seat on AR Drones

The drone industry has barely taken off, but augmented reality technology is already changing the way drones are used for work and play. But why should we be surprised? The power of AR to layer images and data over top of real-world video has already proven its value on the ground, with projected market earnings upwards of $56.8 billion by 2020. It is only natural that augmented reality would take to the skies.

How Much Does It Cost to Develop a VR Game?

By now, all but the most obstinate of naysayers have conceded that virtual reality is no longer a mere novelty, with no hopes of making a decent living on its on. Admittedly, VR game development cost has not exactly resulted in record-breaking returns so far, but that is getting ready to change. While VR is finding acceptance in a growing list of industries, it is VR’s faithful niche market — VR gaming — that is poised to drive VR revenue off the charts.

How Augmented Reality is Reshaping the B2B Landscape

The definition of business-to-business (B2B) is rapidly changing. While B2B used to refer to commercial transactions between businesses, the power of augmented reality (AR) is transforming B2B by changing how businesses interact with one another. B2B is becoming more than business-to-business marketing; even more than B2B sales. AR is expanding businesses’ ability to connect with each other across multiple channels, and it is increasing the reasons they do so.