

How Virtual Reality is Transforming Real Estate

Those days and hours spent being trundled around by your realtor could be far more focused and productive if you could walk through a property before an actual site visit. Your time, after all, is valuable.

10 Augmented Reality Books That Will Blow Your Kid’s Mind

Augmented reality is a swiftly growing field not only in entertainment, but in education. Augmented reality books are one subset of that field which offer a huge range of opportunities for new development of entertainment and educational models.

Virtual Reality for Medicine: a Game Changing Technology

Many industries have come on leaps and bounds thanks to great technological advancement, but none more so than the medical industry. Diagnostic medicine, surgical procedures, and even patient administration have all been fundamentally transformed thanks to new technologies.

10 Virtual Reality Business Opportunities Poised to Explode

Last year, we forecasted the growth of virtual reality in 10 major sectors, including education, military, video games, live events, real estate, healthcare, interactive desktop applications, social VR, project collaboration and engineering. Not only has VR development and market adoption in each of those areas been strong, but 2017 is seeing the continued expansion of virtual reality into new and existing markets.