

Full Dive Virtual Reality - Coming Soon to a Brain Near You

Immersive virtual reality has barely cleared the launch pad, but a new technology promises to redefine the VR experience. It’s called full dive virtual reality (FDVR) and it is straight out of science fiction — literally. Full dive virtual reality technology pushes VR beyond immersive headsets and makes the user one with the machine through the use of a Brain Computer Interface, or BCI. You read that right. The age of the cyborg is upon us… almost.

This is why AR and Autonomous Driving are the Future of Cars

It’s a great time to be a car tech enthusiast. Disrupters and major manufacturers alike are racing headlong to deploy cars that literally drive themselves. That’s exciting enough, but the best is yet to come.

7 Fantastically Creative Augmented Reality Advertising Campaigns

Even before the release of Pokémon GO, augmented reality was a term on the tip of everyone’s tongue. AR combines the futuristic flash of virtual reality with a high degree of accessibility, as AR apps are typically based on smartphones rather than dedicated gear.

Virtual Reality Surgery: The Future of Healthcare

It’s likely that VR technologies will fundamentally disrupt a whole host of industries over the next decade. None, however, will be transformed more than the healthcare industry.

5 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Virtual Reality Developer

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are projected to be worth in excess of $120bn by 2020, and the technology will undoubtedly become a must-have for many businesses. But how do you make sure you are hiring the right VR developer for your project?

7 Reasons the Virtual Reality Classroom is the Future of EdTech

One field where virtual reality and augmented reality hold an enormous amount of potential is in educational technology (EdTech). There are obvious benefits to leveraging these new innovations in keeping students engaged and interested, as well as in developing amazing new types of lesson content. A virtual reality classroom allows kids to fly through space to witness the formation of stars, shrink down to inspect the workings of the human body up close, and do everything in between.

How Much Does It Cost to Develop an AR App?

The mixed reality industry is likely to be by far the most profitable industry for this decade. The former is a statement that’s been repeated and re-said countless times over the past couple years. However, now the projected numbers wholly support the claim.

The Unchartered Potential of Location-Based Augmented Reality

Seamlessly blending reality with computer-generated graphics and animations, augmented reality is the technology which has enabled a real-time interaction between the virtual and the real. AR is the live view of the everyday surroundings supplemented by digitized media via various highly advanced computer techniques. In contrast to virtual reality, which is often the figment of one’s imagination brought to virtual life, AR is the enhancement of an individual perception of reality.

5 Creative Uses of Virtual Reality in Architecture and Design

For many design-led industries, the biggest challenge is often convincing the client that the finished article will look just like - or better than - the 2D or 3D representation.