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Here’s Why You Should Buy a Ticket for Augmented Reality (AR) Lottery

Augmented Reality lottery apps might be a relatively new phenomenon, but the concept of a lottery has been around for centuries. In fact, the first recorded lotteries where money was offered as a prize took place in Western Europe - specifically Belgium and the Netherlands - way back in the 15th century. As is often the case today, these lotteries were looked upon as a sort of ‘painless taxation’, raising money for important public projects. In fact, the English word “lottery” stems from the Dutch “lot” meaning “fate”.

Today, there are over 160 lotteries around the world, with prizes ranging from tens of thousands of dollars, all the way up to hundreds of millions. And the popularity shows no sign of slowing, with several record jackpots scooped within the last decade.

However, against the backdrop of an ever-changing and technologically competitive gambling marketplace, lottery operators would be wise not to rest on their laurels. The internet in general, and smartphones in particular, have changed the way both casual and serious gamblers engage with their chosen pursuits.

Utilizing modern technology to enhance the already established game of chance will help lottery operators remain relevant. And by adding an Augmented Reality (AR) element to their game, they’ll introduce a new dimension to playing the lottery. Literally.

In this post, we take a brief look at how AR lottery apps could work, and why lottery operators should hop aboard the AR hype train.

What is Augmented Reality?

Augmented Reality is the live view of a real-world environment, augmented with computer-generated elements. AR is typically experienced via a smartphone or tablet screen, or through a dedicated headset.

In contrast to Virtual Reality (VR), AR uses the existing environment and overlays new information, as opposed to the completely virtual environment created by VR.

An Industry on the Rise

For the most recent example of AR success, look no further than Pokemon GO. The app was downloaded 750 million times, generating an incredible $1.2 billion of revenue by the summer of 2017.

These stats are in line with projected market value, with mobile AR set to drive the combined VR/AR market to $108 billion by 2021.

And AR has taken a huge leap forward within the last six months thanks to the introduction of ARKit as part of iOS11, and ARCore on Android devices running N or later. These developments ensure Augmented Reality capabilities are baked into the most recent and most powerful smartphone devices, allowing developers to produce cutting edge AR experiences with a ready-made audience in mind.

It’s this fact in particular that should make Augmented Reality attractive to businesses when compared to Virtual Reality. The accessibility of AR means it has a potential audience of upwards of 400 million iOS 11 users, and this number rises to 500 million when you factor in Android users.

With such a large, engaged, and tech savvy audience, lottery operators cannot overlook the potential to bring their offering into the 21st century. But how will an AR lottery app work? Let’s find out.

How do AR lottery apps work?

Augmented Reality smartphone apps require a camera that understands 3D space. This is where ARKit and Android ARCore come into their own; these programs do the heavy lifting, calibrating the phone for use with AR, and ensuring the application understands how to interact with the immediate environment.

Depending on the desired outcome, some AR apps can be very technical and complex. AR lottery apps, on the other hand, should be relatively straightforward to use.

In fact, the process could look something like this:

  • The player buys a physical ticket
  • They then either download or open the corresponding AR app
  • They scratch off the panel on their ticket to reveal a code
  • Next, they scan the code with the app
  • Finally, they engage with the AR content revealed on their smartphone

There are several examples of early attempts at Augmented Reality lottery games from some of the world’s major lottery operators, including Camelot in the United Kingdom, and the New York Lottery in the United States.

While offering different styles and themes, the mechanics are largely the same as what’s been described above. Camelot’s version was first mooted back in 2014, and involved an additional layer of engagement with a physical scratchcard, allowing users to play a 3D game and enter a prize draw.

Meanwhile, the NY lottery and the Ohio State lottery have both released AR products in 2017, seeking to capitalize on the popularity of Pokemon GO. These apps also add 3D gameplay to physical scratchcards, giving players the opportunity to enter a castle on their smartphone screen, swipe and explore, and reveal prizes.

Why choose AR for your next lottery app?

There are a number of reasons for choosing to include an AR element with your next lottery application. At its core, it’s about producing an enhanced experience, keeping players engaged with the product for longer.

Consider the traditional scratchcard. Typically, once it’s scratched, it’s discarded if it isn’t a winner. By introducing Augmented Reality to proceedings, that scratchcard can be retained for longer, offering another layer of gameplay and another opportunity to win. And this gives operators the chance to build brand loyalty and increase excitement.

What’s more, the traditional lottery process requiring players purchase physical tickets can be difficult to analyze from a demographic standpoint. Anyone old enough to purchase a ticket or scratchcard can do so without exchanging additional information. By using an AR smartphone app, important data can be tracked, allowing the lottery operator to tweak their product to better meet the expectations of a particular demographic.

How Can AppReal Help?

With a talented team of AR app developers at your disposal, we’re ready to help bring your Augmented Reality lottery app idea to life. We’ve carefully monitored the introduction of both Apple’s ARKit and Android’s ARCore, and with our fingers firmly on the pulse of this exciting industry, we’re ready to work with forward-thinking lottery operators to create valuable, engaging AR applications.

Our team has an unrivalled level of experience in custom app development across a diverse range of industries. We can guide your idea from concept to completion, producing an AR app that will enthrall your customers, and make your industry take notice.

Don’t gamble on keeping up with your competitors. Lead the way and bring your lottery game into the 21st century with AppReal. Contact us today to speak with one of our AR app development experts.


  • Augmented Reality

  • Posted by Yariv Levski

  • Augmented Reality

  • Posted by Yariv Levski

  • Augmented Reality

  • Posted by Yariv Levski

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